APD Treatment
APD is very complex and treatment must be customized to the individual.
Good news! APDs can be improved! Strengthening your auditory processing abilities can be done through environmental modification, auditory training and low-gain hearing aids. It is usually most effective if you do a combination of all three.
It is important to keep in mind that not all APDs can be cured completely. APD is very complex, and treatment must be customized to the individual. However, many APDs can be improved greatly so it is worth investing time and resources into treatment.
Environmental Modification
Environmental modification means changing the environment to improve the signal you want to hear. It also involves changing how you interact or listen when you are in a challenging listening environment. A challenging listening environment could be anywhere there is background noise competing with the signal you want to hear. Another example of a challenging listening situation is when the speaker to whom you are listening is not facing you or if they are at a distance greater than 25 feet from you.
Examples of environmental modification are:
Reducing background noise (e.g., don’t have a conversation if there is TV or music on in the background or if you are clearing the dishes after dinner)
Facing the speaker (e.g., don’t talk to your spouse or kids from another room in the house)
Preferential seating in classrooms or meetings (e.g., sit next to the speaker or in a place where you can easily turn to face the other speakers in a group)
Reducing the distance between you and the speaker (e.g., only have a conversation with someone if they are in the same room as you and you are looking at their face)
Auditory Training
Auditory training is direct therapy that improves listening skills. The reason this works for many people with an APD is because of the brain’s neuroplasticity. The brain can create new, or strengthen existing, neural pathways over time with practice. Auditory training strengthens the neural pathways involved in auditory processing. There are many options to choose from when exploring auditory training. It can be offered through apps or computer programs that can be done anywhere and anytime, if you have your smartphone or iPad with you. The other option is one-on-one training which is more tailored to your individual needs. To get the most benefit from auditory training programs, training needs to be done on a regular basis for a certain amount of time. Seattle Auditory Processing Services offers both types of training depending on your needs.
Online auditory training
We have several on-demand training programs to choose from. These are a fun and convenient way to participate in auditory training. Often, people have a great time engaging in online activities and don’t even know they are working their brains! It’s also convenient because one can participate at home at a time that is convenient. Examples of online programs we work with are:
One-on-One Auditory Training
One-on-one auditory training is a customized program tailored to your diagnostic results. Sessions are 50 minutes once a week via tele-health for 12 weeks. Most people see significant improvement after their first round of therapy. Some people may see addition benefits with a second round of therapy. We are currently able to provide auditory training via telehealth in Washington State, Oregon, and Idaho.
Low Gain Hearing Aids
Low gain hearing aids (hearing aids with a small amount of volume) have been a game changer for many of our patients. These have been an effective treatment for APD for many years and there is a lot of research to support their use.
Mild-Gain Hearing Aids as a Treatment for Adults with Self-Reported Hearing Difficulties
Amplification for adults with hearing difficulty, speech in noise problems - and normal thresholds
Personal amplification for school-aged children with auditory processing disorders